The joy of unconvention – always another way?

I don’t know what the word ‘unconventional’ provokes in you? Perhaps a tiny lurch of fear? Or a barely distinguishable leap of delight?

Last night I bought some organic camellia oil for my teenager’s needy skin. My husband had asked me to get some of that alarming looking blue liquid from the supermarket that we used to apply day and night in the 1980s. My response was, ‘There is always another way’. And there is. As I find it, my heart leaps again – just a bit.

Ok, I admit I’m naturally suspicious about convention or habit – what people do ‘just because’; because we’re used to, or because we ought to. Don’t get me wrong, I love ritual – choosing to intentionally repeat an action. It’s the stuck-ness of convention that rags me. I see great people with great ideas frozen in inaction because they have always used a more formal style of writing; or feel that to look ‘professional’ they ought to keep their whole selves, passions and desires out of their work.

I chair a maternity committee at our local trust. We’ve been working at hustling ourselves out of convention and seeing what emerges from a new freedom.

So make the most of the rest of the blooming unconventional month of May (I May, I May not…all mixed up), and take three minutes now to name two things in your life you want to play with differently. Look for another way.

Here’s my 2 new ways in May list

  • start hugging my husband when he comes in from work – even if he’s really sweaty (yes, we’ve got used to a cursory kiss, but there is another way..)
  • hit publish on my imperfect and heartfelt blogs once a month. Without fail. Without fear of imperfection.

What might yours be? Share in the comments field below!

My coaching work is all about you discovering another way, getting unstuck and into action; being more of who you really are and less of what the world has ascribed to you.

If you’re looking for another way in your work life, a place where you get to live from your purpose and calling, sign up here to be front of queue for my extra special face to face September FIND THE WORK YOU LOVE workshop. And check out how these women and mothers have found their other way through coaching.

2 thoughts on this post. Read them or Add your own

2 thoughts on “The joy of unconvention – always another way?

  1. I love your passion! And your two new ways in May have me thinking – even though its now June – prune (old ways) in June?
    I want to listen to music more and I want to practise my headstands more.

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