Rubies in the rock

It’s not the price of a ruby that makes my heart beat, or its shimmery cut; not even the colour, though a rich blood red, the colour of courage, has to be one of life’s affirming hues.

For me it’s something else.

Beautiful rubies, i’m discovering, are each minor geological miracles – the consequence of seismic shifts of the (emotional and physical) sort that form us as mothers. And  – I’m excited now – this is my favourite part – rubies contain natural imperfections, called ‘silk’, without which they would not hold the same value. I’m not sure I need to spell it out, but is that not true of us too? Our flaws, our doubts and our learnings (not to mention our yearnings) all add to our inherent value.


And rubies are rare. And per carat, more precious than diamonds.

And you bold mothers are more precious even than rubies.

She is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 31:15

I especially love the rock around the ruby, the sense of the gem emerging from the grit and grime, where she is being made beautiful.

Depth of colour and clarity mark rubies out too…Want some of that in your work in 2014? What quickens your heart? Click to explore my Clarity, Cut and Brilliance 1-1 coaching services and here to say a resounding “Yes!” to a commitment free, delight-ful ‘chemistry’ session to check our spark.

PS. Pass it on.

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